Madalene leaning on her sister |
Is it possible to miss someone if you've never met them? I guess my mom and her siblings have done such a great job painting such a lifelike picture of my Great Grandma Madalene with stories after stories, that I feel like I've known her my whole life. And I miss her. The famous question people are always asked: "If you were to have dinner with anyone in the universe, dead or alive, who would it be?" No, it would not be Jesus nor Tom Hanks, but my beautiful, strong and insanely talented Grandma Madalene. I have so many questions for her that can't be answered by those who lived beyond her time. I yearn to know ALL her family Italian recipes that she cooked from memory, delve into her early childhood days she spent in her homeland and master the Italian language from her personally. My mom has done wonderfully passing down Madalene's wisdom and legacy, but there is nothing like actually talking to Madalene myself that I want more than anything. Where is a genie when you need one?! I guess I'll just have to wait until the afterlife. Until then, I will never stop learning as much as I can about her and the creative life she passed down to all of us. Madalene, if you're watching, I love and miss you more than words can describe. See you soon. <3
Madalene and her sisters on each side |
What a beautiful tribute to Great Grandma Madalene. Love you, Mom <3